Terms and Conditions

All information and products contained here, is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. You should always speak with your healthcare professional before taking any medication, nutritional, herbal, essential oil, or homeopathic supplement. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you, does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Emily Chan ND.

Our satisfaction guarantee refund is valid up to the first week of the course. After that period, no refunds are awarded. If you opted for the payment plan, the 2nd payment is billed 30 days after the first payment. If your payment is declined, your access to the membership portal would be terminated. Please contact support@modernintegrativemedicine.com to re-activate. By purchasing Conquer Exhaustion and Stop Running on Empty, you are guaranteed access to the membership portal for 1 year after purchase date. After that time period, access to portal is given at the discretion of Modern Integrative Medicine. 

By purchasing this program, you agree to settle any disputes you have against Dr. Emily Chan or Modern Integrative Medicine via arbitration. You agree not to copy, distribute, share contents in this program. Legal action will be taken for infringement of copyright or violation of intellectual property. 

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